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Rémy Froissart

Research scientist,
permanent position in the “Centre National de Recherche Scientifique” (CNRS)

Laboratoire "Maladies Infectieuses & Vecteurs : Ecologie, Génétique, Evolution & Contrôle" (MIVEGEC)
Département "Perturbation, Évolution, Virulence" – Équipe "Virostyle"
Membre du Centre de Recherche sur l'écologie & l'évolution de la Santé (CREES)
Membre du bureau d'administration du réseau Phages.fr et page perso
911 Avenue Agropolis, B.P. 64501 – Bureau 316 – 34394 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Téléphone : [00 33] (0)4 67 41 63 72

ORCID (0000-0001-8234-1308)

Research interest

My career has been devoted to study the evolution of viruses (especially in temporaly and/or spatialy variable environments), both infecting plants, insects and bacteria. After a PhD (Université de Paris 6, UPMC) dedicated at the understanding of the key parameters of the intra-host evolution of the Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), I carried out 3 years post-doctoral research with Paul Turner at the University of Yale (USA) and Olivier Tenaillon at Hopital Bichat (France) in which I investigated the effect of co-infection on genomic and phenotypic evolution of bacteriophage populations. In 2005, I initiated my current position at the CNRS where I established experimental evolution of different viruses (plant caulimovirus CaMV but also insect densovirus JcDNV and bacteriophages Lambda and PhiX174) and also tested experimentally the trade-off between virulence and transmission of some of these viruses (CaMV and JcDNV).

In 2014, I decided to come back on phage'evolution through a collaboration with Jo-Ann Passmore (University of Cape-Town, South-Africa), Ignacio Bravo (MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France) and Marie Vasse (post-doc, MIVEGEC, Marie-Curie grant) with whom we are working on disturbance of microbial vaginal ecosystem that may results on dysbiosis (in particular, bacterial vaginosis).

I also work with Guillaume Martin (CNRS, ISEM, Montpellier, France) and Yoann Anciaux (post-doc ISEM-MIVEGEC, Montpellier, France) on in vitro evolutionary rescue of bacteria stressed by antibiotics and/or bacteriophages targetting E.coli. I also participate to the project Phag-One leaded by Frederic Laurent and Tristan Ferry (Hospice Civile de Lyon) on the bacteriophage' host-range targetting Staphylococcus epidermidis and E.coli. Finally, I'm currently also working on Salmonella 'bacteriophages in order to perform long-term efficiency of bacteriophage biocontrol.

Collective scientific responsabilities

  • Co-animation of the official desk of the GDR “groupement de Recherche” Phages.fr with S. Gandon (CNRS, INEE), M. Ansaldi (CNRS, INSB), C. Breyton (CNRS, INSB), C. Torres-Barceló (INRAe, SPE), F. Lecointe (INRAe, MICA), C. Le Henaff (U. Bordeaux), L. Debarbieux (Institut Pasteur Paris), C. Brives (CNRS, INSHS), F. Leroux (IFREMER).
  • Co-animation of the group “phage therapy” of the national network “phages.fr
  • Co-president with S. Gandon, C. Torres-Barcelo, M. Ansaldi, C. Le Henaff, M-A. Petit, P. Boulanger, L. Debarbieux, C. Brives, E. Rocha of the “Société d’études des bactériophages”
  • Responsible for the web site phages.fr

  • Head of the group “Virostyle
  • Elected representant to the laboratory council of MIVEGEC (Conseil d'unité) 2021-2026
  • Elected representant to the logistic group of MIVEGEC (2018- )
  • Scientific responsible for the laboratory security (level L2) of MIVEGEC (2016- )
  • APA Correspondant (Nagoya protocol) for MIVEGEC (2021- )
  • Participant of the Science ecological councern group of MIVEGEC (MIVEGEC-1.5)

Present position & education

Main subject of research : “evolution proof” bacteriophage therapy / phage adaptation (host-range and virulence)

Past training

  • Habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR) 2017 (“Évolution en environnements variables: pérégrinations scientifiques entre virus de plantes, virus d'insectes, bactéries & bactériophages”. Université de Montpellier. 30 mai 2017)
  • Visitor scientist at the University of Cape-Town 2014-2015 (In the group headed by Jo-Ann Passmore, Medical Virology)
  • Research scientist, permanent position in CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) 2005 –
    1. Experimental evolution / evolution of virulence of Cauliflower mosaic virus, in collaboration with S. Blanc (UMR 385 BGPI, INRA-CIRAD-SupAgro) 2005-2014
    2. Evaluation of phages participation into bacterial ecosystems present in human genital tract and research on “evolution proof” bacteriophage cocktails for phage therapy 2015 –
  • Post-doctoral position in Hopital Bichat 2003-2004 (Group « Ecologie et évolution des micro-organismes » in collaboration with O. Tenaillon & E. Denamur, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) Paris, France)
  • Post-doctoral position in Yale University 2002-2003 (Paul Turner’ group in Yale University, New-Haven, USA)
  • PhD in Biology 2002 (« Experimental study of the evolution of the mechanism of transmission of the Cauliflower mosaic virus » (manuscript pdf here). Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University, PhD defense on may 6th, 2002.
  • DEA « Biologie, Diversité, adaptation des plantes cultivées » 1998 (Institut National d’Agronomie INA-PG – Universités de Paris VI et Paris XI, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier ENSAM)
  • Maîtrise (option Evolution & génétique) 1997 (Université de Montpellier II)
  • License de Phytopathologie 1996 (Université d’Avignon)
  • Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie 1995 (Université de Perpignan)


° Authors contributed equally to the work # corresponding author(s)



















  • Hébrard E., Drucker M., Leclerc D., Hohn T., Uzest M., Froissart R., Strub M., Sanglier S., Van Dorsellaer A., Padilla A., Labesse G. & S. Blanc#. 2001. Biochemical characterization of the helper component of Cauliflower mosaic virus. J. Virol., 75(18):8538-8546
  • Blanc# S., Hébrard E., Drucker M. & R. Froissart. 2001. Caulimoviruses. In : Virus-vector-plant interactions. Eds. K.F. Harris, O.P. Smith & J.E. Duffus. Academic Press


Articles en français

  1. Ansaldi, Mireille, Pascale Boulanger, Charlotte Brives, Laurent Debarbieux, Nicolas Dufour, Rémy Froissart, Sylvain Gandon, et al. « Un siècle de recherche sur les bactériophages ». Virologie 24, nᵒ 1 (1 janvier 2020): 9‑22. https://doi.org/10.1684/vir.2020.0809. (open access)
  2. Ansaldi, Mireille, Pascale Boulanger, Charlotte Brives, Laurent Debarbieux, Nicolas Dufour, Rémy Froissart, Sylvain Gandon, et al. « Les applications antibactériennes des bactériophages ». Virologie 24, nᵒ 1 (1 janvier 2020): 23‑36. https://doi.org/10.1684/vir.2019.0805. (open access
  3. Dumont, Y., R. Froissart, A-L. Bañuls, L. Bonzon, H. Jean-Pierre, et S. Godreuil, Sylvain. « Bactéries anaérobies et résistances aux antibiotiques ». Revue francophone des laboratoires, nᵒ 505 (septembre 2018): 57‑62. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1773-035X(18)30256-9.

Teaching practices

  • Viral evolution
  • Interactions between temperate bacteriophages and their bacterial hosts
  • Introduction to phage therapy

Students/post-doc supervisions

  1. Post-doc collaborations : Yoann Anciaux (2021-2023), Marie Vasse (2021-2023)
  2. Graduate studies : Yann Dumont (2019-2022, co-suppervision with Pr S. Godreuil, CHU Montpellier), Anna Happel (2017-2020, co-direction with Jo-Ann Passmore, U. Cape-Town), Sarah François (2014-2017, co-suppervision with Dr M. Ogliastro, INRAE), Juliette Doumayrou (2008-2011, co-suppervision with Yannis Michalakis, CNRS)

PhD in progress

2022-2025 : “Salmonella biocontrol” – in charge : Amandine Maurin

2022-2025 : “Study of the antagonistic co-evolution between therapeutic bacteriophages and carbapenem-resistant E. coli” - in charge Elsa Beurrier

2024-2024 : “étude des savoirs, savoir-faire et enjeux de la domestication de bactériophages à usages thérapeutiques” - in charge Charlotte Whittington (co-direction avec Charlotte Brives (CNRS, Bordeaux)

Technical skills

  • experimental evolution design
  • molecular biology : PCR, qPCR, cloning, mini-prep, restriction enzymes, DNA-RNA extraction ('old fashion' phenol-chloroform or kits), Western blot, Southern blot, dot blot, ELISA, virus purification (ultracentrifugation), Transmission electronic microscopy (negative coloration), dialysis, etc
  • sequence analysis – basic bioinformatic (Galaxy) / Geneious
  • stats : JMP - ®
  • biblio : zotero

Grants (current and recent)

  • 2023-2024 Défi-clé OCTAAVE – Région Occitanie : “OcciPhage : Diversité et emploi de bactériophages à potentiel de lutte biologique contre les bactéries pathogènes de cultures tempérées et tropicales” – collaboration with Boris Szurek (UMR PHIM Montpellier) & Alice Boulanger (UMR LIPME Toulouse)
  • 2021-2027 ANR Antibio-résistance : Phag-One : isolation, production and application of therapeutical bacteriophages targeting Staphylococcus sp. or E. coli resistant to carbapenems“ – collaboration with Pr Frédéric Laurent, Hospices civiles de Lyon
  • 2019-2025 Contrat privé “Salmonella biocontrol in animal food production”
  • 2019-2020 Projet Hubert Curien (PHC) PROTEA - Campus France - Afrique du Sud – “Évaluation de l'inflammation génitale provoquée par des isolats bactériens associés à la vaginose dans un contexte de risque d'acquisition de HIV” – collaboration with Jo-Ann Passmore, UCT
  • 2018-2020 Bourse du labex CEMEB – “Evolutionary rescue of bacterial populations facing bacteriophages, antibiotics and a combination of both stresses” Collaboration with Guillaume Martin, ISEM, Montpellier, France.
  • 2015-2017 International Collaborative grant – Univ. Cape-Town / Univ. Montpellier II – “Role of bacteriophages in development of bacterial vaginosis in women at high risk for HIV infection” collaboration with Jo-Ann Passmore, Medical Virology, University of Cape-Town, South-Africa.

Reviewing for peer-reviewed journals and Foundations

  • Journals : Archives of virology, Biology Letters, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Ecology Letters, Evolution, Evolutionnary Applications, Genome Biology and Evolution, Heredity, Infection, Genetics & Evolution, Integrative and Comparative Biology, Journal of Virology, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Plant Pathology, Nature communication, New Phytologist, Proceeding of Royal Society of London, series B, Scientific Report, Molecular Biology & Evolution, Frontiers in microbiology,
  • Fondations: National Science Foundation (Editor V. Vance, USA), Fondation pour la recherche en biodiversité (FR), The Wellcome Trust (Editor K. Noble, UK), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal), National Science Foundation (South-Africa)

Scientific animations (national & international)

  • Séminaires d’écologie & d’évolution de l’Université de Montpellier II (SEEM) 2005-2007
  • Co-animation with S. Alizon. French annual workshop concerning virus evolution (REV) since 2005.
  • Co-animation with S. Elena (CSIC Valencia, SP). International “Jacques Monod” Conference. 2009 untitled « Understanding emergence of infectious diseases: focus on new experimental and theoretical approaches to virus evolution »
  • Co-animation with S. Gandon, O. Kaltz, C. Torres-Barcelo, M. Ansaldi. National network and annual workshop organization “Phages-bacteria: from fundamental to applied science”. 2015-current
  • Co-animation with L. Debarbieux of the group “phage therapy” of the national network “phages.fr” 2017–
  • Co-president with S. Gandon, C. Torres-Barcelo, M. Ansaldi, C. Le Henaff, M-A. Petit, P. Boulanger, L. Debarbieux, C. Brives, E. Rocha of the “Société d’études des bactériophages”
  • Responsible for the web site phages.fr


start.txt · Dernière modification: 2025/03/07 13:37 de remyfroissart